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Gospel Choir

  • University of Washington Gospel Choir Ensemble
  • UW Gospel Choir soloist (photo: Steve Korn)
    UW Gospel Choir soloist (photo: Steve Korn)
  • Phyllis Byrdwell directs the UW Gospel Choir (Photo: Steve Korn)
    Phyllis Byrdwell directs the UW Gospel Choir (Photo: Steve Korn)
  • Members of UW Gospel Choir (photo: Steve Korn)
  • Ethnomusicology Visiting Artist Phyllis Byrdwell works with students in her Gospel Piano class.
    Ethnomusicology Visiting Artist Phyllis Byrdwell works with students in her Gospel Piano class.

The Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton Gospel Choir (Uni­ver­sity Singers 100B) is a non-auditioned group of singers. The class meets once a week on Mon­day evenings and looks at Gospel Music chiefly from the African Amer­i­can per­spec­tive. The class’ objec­tive is to give the stu­dent an oppor­tu­nity to sing and expe­ri­ence the culture’s sacred music. The class sings in tra­di­tional voice set­tings (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass) and is usu­ally accom­pa­nied by key­board, bass gui­tar, and percussion.


If you’d like to sing with Gospel Choir, there is no audi­tion nec­es­sary.  Sim­ply come to the first day of classes.

Contact: Phyllis Byrdwell at 
