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Upper Level Theory/History Electives

Approved Upper-Level Theory, Music History, and Ethnomusicology Elective Courses

Most courses below have music theory and music history prerequisites, and are restricted to music majors only, except for those offered by other departments.  Most special topics courses may be repeated for credit.  Please see current course listings, credits, registration restrictions, and prerequisites on MyPlan or the Time Schedule


MUSIC 470 Analysis of Tonal Music: Introduction to Schenker           
MUSIC 471 Introduction to Atonal Theory and Analysis
MUSIC 472 Analysis of Twentieth Century Music, 1900-1950
MUSIC 485 Topics in the Analysis of American Music
MUSIC 487 Counterpoint  
MUSIC 489 Special Topics in Music Theory
MUSIC 496 Instrumentation
MUSIC 497 Orchestration (Pre-req: MUSIC 496)


MUHST 413 Opera
MUHST 421 Music Criticism
MUHST 422 Gender and Music
MUHST 423 Twentieth-Century Music to 1945
MUHST 425 Jazz History and Analysis
MUHST 430 Special Topics in Opera
MUHST 431 Special Topics in Music and Dance
MUHST 432 Special Topics in Film Music       
MUHST 433 Special Topics in American Music
MUHST 497 Special Topics in Music History


MUSIC 321/AIS 321 Powwow Cultures in Native North America
MUSIC 433 Music of Latin America
MUSIC 439 Music of Indonesia
MUSIC 440 Music in Asian America
MUSIC 442 Comparative Analysis and Musicianship
MUSIC 443 Music and Community
MUSIC 445 Selected Topics in Ethnomusicology
MUSIC 446 Music in American Cultures


MUSIC 325 Music in Cinema
DXARTS 460 Digital Sound
DXARTS 461 Digital Sound Synthesis
DXARTS 462 Digital Sound Processing
DXARTS 463 Advanced Digital Sound Synthesis and Processing
PHYS 207 Physics of Music

Note: Other approved courses may be offered infrequently.  If you have a question about the suitability of a course not listed here, please contact your advisor. 
