The School of Music offers Master of Arts (MA), Master of Music (MM), Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees, and a Theory Certificate. Visit the links below to learn about the program offerings and requirements.
- Brass - MM, DMA
- Choral Conducting - MM, DMA
- Composition - MM, DMA
- Ethnomusicology - MA, Ph.D.
- Harp and Guitar - MM (both), DMA (Harp only)
- Instrumental Conducting - MM, DMA
- Jazz - MM
- Music Education - MA, Ph.D.
- Music History - MA, Ph.D.
- Music Theory - MA, Ph.D.
- Organ - MM, DMA
- Percussion - MM, DMA
- Piano - MM, DMA
- Strings - MM, DMA
- Theory Certificate
- Voice - MM, DMA
- Woodwinds - MM, DMA