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Julia Day


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Area of Study: 


Ph.D., Ethnomusicology, University of Washington, 2017

Julia Day is a doc­toral stu­dent in Eth­no­mu­si­col­ogy at the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton. Her cur­rent research inter­ests address the flu­id­ity of pop­u­lar music for cre­at­ing transna­tional net­works between pop­u­la­tions in West Africa, Europe, and North Amer­ica. She became inter­ested in African pop­u­lar music while liv­ing and work­ing in Mali as a Peace Corps health edu­ca­tor. Julia has also stud­ied the rela­tion­ship between pop­u­lar music and sociopo­lit­i­cal cri­sis in Côte d’Ivoire as well as West African immi­grant com­mu­ni­ties in France and Canada. She is hon­ored to have received four FLAS (For­eign Lan­guage and Area Stud­ies) fel­low­ships from the UW Canada Cen­ter and the Grad­u­ate School Inter­na­tional Boe­ing Fel­low­ship to sup­port her research. In the past, Julia has pre­sented on the Gam­bian kora player Jali Nyama Suso, Malian ngoni vir­tu­oso Bassekou Kouy­até, semi­otics and the South African World Cup Anthems, pop­u­lar music and cri­sis in Côte d’Ivoire, the Bol­ly­wood film music and dance scene in Port­land, OR, and taikoin the Seat­tle Japan­ese Amer­i­can community.
