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Yonatan Ron began his musical journey as a non-classically trained guitarist. He later studied music theory and classical guitar independently under composer and guitarist Ruben Seroussi, head of the composition department and Guitar performance department at Tel-Aviv University.
During the 2015 and 2016 concert seasons, Yonatan composed for Meitar Ensemble’s 'Tedarim Program' — and occasionally participated in the ‘CEME’ festival held by Meitar Ensemble, with master classes given by G.F Haas, Ivan Fedele, and Philippe Leroux, among others.
Ron obtained his B.A. in 2021 from The Koninklijk Conservatorium, The Hague, NL, where he studied with Cornelis De Bondt, Peter Adriaansz & Diderik Wagenaar. He is currently pursuing his M.M at the University of Washington under the guidance of Prof. Huck Hodge, Yigit Kolat & Jeff Bowen.
Ron’s music involves seemingly ordinary materials that follow gradational transformations, often until a point of unrecognizability. He often employs techniques associated with early music and is inspired by a range of interests from acoustics & mathematics, through visual arts, to cognition & psychology.