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Chamber Music Lab

  • Cello detail

Chamber Music Lab Auditions

  • Students participating in Chamber Music Lab (MUSEN 381B and 581 B) meet weekly in Brechemin Auditorium for focused coaching and performance. Students are placed into chamber groups and prepare repertoire in a class lab setting. Students engage in weekly private coachings and multiple class presentations throughout the quarter. Course activities culminate in a Chamber Music Lab recital and recording session during final examination week.
  • Chamber Music Lab (MUSEN 381B and 581B) is open to music majors AND non-music majors. Music majors and non-music majors who are enrolled in private lessons with UW faculty are exempt from auditions. All other non-music majors are required to present an audition for approval to join the class. Students may contact Professor Donna Shin to schedule an audition at
  • Chamber Music Lab meets as a class weekly on Thursdays at 11:30-12:20 p.m. in Brechemin Auditorium. Individual groups meet for rehearsals/coachings outside of the Thursday class time, TBD. 


Autumn quarter auditions will occur Friday, September 20th in Room 207. Students may present repertoire of their choice that best represents their musical and technical skills. Sightreading will also be required. Students should contact Prof. Donna Shin ( for additional audition information and to schedule an audition time.


For more information regarding the UW Chamber Music Lab audition process, please email:

Donna Shin, Director, Chamber Music Lab:

Meets Thursdays from 11:30 am - 12:20 pm in Brechemin Auditorium