UW Symphony Violins-Violas-Celli Seating auditions
Wednesday and Friday, Sept. 25 (Violins) & 27 (Violas/Celli), 3:30 to 5:20 pm, Meany 268
FROM: DAVID A. RAHBEE, Director of Orchestral Activities
Please find the sign-up sheet on my office door, Music Building Room # 209, and sign up BY SEPTEMBER 24th at 5pm for a 5-minute seating audition:
VIOLINS: Wednesday, Sept. 25th, between 3:30 and 5:20
VIOLAS AND CELLI: Friday, Sept. 27th between 3:30 and 5:20
Auditions will take place in Meany, Room 268.
Please come prepared to play selections from two works of contrasting styles/periods.
Music majors will also be asked to sight-read.
These auditions are being held so that we can get to know you and your playing, and devise a seating plan for the first concert.
(Seating will rotate after the first concert and until further notice.)
The first orchestra rehearsal will be Monday, September 30th in Meany 268.
If you have any questions please email the director at: darahbee@uw.edu