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Interactive Lecture: Prof. Lee Higgins, The Call, The Welcome and the ‘Yes’: Community Music as a Site for Hospitable Music Making

Friday, November 3, 2017 - 4:30pm
Prof. Lee Higgins

What is community music? What are the histories and what can we learn from them? Where are the illustrations of practice and how might we understand them? 

The professional work of Professor Lee Higgins has been driven through a commitment to understanding the importance of musical expression and creativity and has centered around the emergence of “community music” as an international field of practice and scholarship. His work involves the development of theoretical explanations that can provide springboards for greater global impact. As the current President of the International Society of Music Education, he has gained a broad understanding of the impact of community music across the Music Education sector. In this participatory lecture, Professor Higgins offer some thoughts on his past work, the current projects he is involved in, and the future potential of Community Music in various settings.

BIO: Prof. Lee Higgins 
Director, International Centre of Community Music; York St. John University, UK

Professor Lee Higgins is the Director of the International Centre of Community Music based at York St. John University, UK. As a community musician, he has worked across the education sector as well as within health settings, prison and probation service, youth and community, adult education, and arts organizations. He is the current President of International Society of Music Education and senior editor for the International Journal of Community Music.
