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Brenda Mohr


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DMA, Choral Conducting, University of Washington, 2017
M.M., Choral Conducting, California State University, Northridge
B.A., Music Education, Pacific Union College, Angwin, California

Brenda Mohr is a candidate for the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Choral Conducting. She is serving as interim choral director at the University Congregational United Church of Christ in Seattle. She also serves as a substitute pianist and organist in several Seattle area churches. Before com­ing to Seat­tle in 2013 she taught ele­men­tary and high school choral music for almost thirty years in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. She also con­ducted com­mu­nity children’s choirs, adult church choirs, and served as a church organ­ist. Brenda has been active as a choral fes­ti­val adju­di­ca­tor and clin­i­cian through­out her career. She holds a Mas­ter of Music Degree in choral con­duct­ing from Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­sity at North­ridge and a Bach­e­lor of Music Edu­ca­tion from Pacific Union Col­lege in Angwin, Cal­i­for­nia.


Professional Affiliations: 
American Choral Directors Association, National Collegiate Choral Organization, National Association of Church Musicians, Chorus America

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