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Choral Conducting

  • Choral Conducting, Treble Choir
    Conducting the Treble Choir
  • Giselle Wyers conducts the UW Chorale
    Giselle Wyers conducting the University Chorale
  • Geoffrey Boers leads the UW Chamber Singers
    Geoffrey Boers leads the UW Chamber Singers (Photo: Steve Korn)

Home to a thriv­ing cohort of grad­u­ate stu­dents, the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton offers MM and DMA degree pro­grams in choral con­duct­ing in a program emphasizing hands-on experience in conducting large choral ensembles in on- and off-campus performances.

Students in the graduate choral conducting program are immersed in a hands-on, individually focused conducting experience stressing forward-thinking research in technique and pedagogy. Students are given conducting, teaching, and leadership opportunities each quarter in residence, through work with ensembles, choral festivals, visits from renowned choral scholars, and international touring.

Graduate Support and Career Opportunities

All grad­u­ate stu­dents receive schol­ar­ship support or TA funding while work­ing toward their degrees, and Seattle’s vast net­work of com­mu­nity and church choirs offer many employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties off cam­pus. Recent grad­u­ates of the program are work­ing at tenure-track aca­d­e­mic posi­tions across the coun­try or lead­ing top com­mu­nity choirs or church programs.

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Faculty in this Area

  • Chair, Choral Conducting; Professor, Choral Conducting; Music Faculty Endowed Fund for Excellence
  • Professor Geoffrey Boers
    Director of Choral Activities; Ruth Sutton Waters Endowed Professor