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Deyanira Gauldron


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Area of Study: 


M.M., Choral Conducting, University of Washington, 2014
B.A., Music, Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga, Columbia

Deyanira Gual­dron is cur­rently a mas­ters stu­dent in choral con­duct­ing at Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton. Pre­vi­ously she obtained an under­grad­u­ate degree in music at the Uni­ver­si­dad Autonoma de Bucara­manga in Colum­bia. She is inter­ested in explor­ing how choral music can serve soci­ety, act­ing as a tool to build com­mu­nity. Gual­dron founded the UDES Uni­ver­sity Choir (Uni­ver­si­dad de Santander-Columbia) which con­sisted of engi­neer­ing and health majors. They per­formed sacred and Latin Amer­i­can music at choral fes­ti­vals across Colum­bia. Gual­dron has par­tic­i­pated in numer­ous work­shops in vocal ped­a­gogy and con­duct­ing tech­nique from con­duc­tors from Venezuela, Ger­many, Spain and South Africa, and she is cer­ti­fied in youth choir con­duct­ing in Colum­bia. Her pas­sion for Latino folk­lore led her to per­form a vocal duet around the theme of tra­di­tional music preservation.
