In order to request use of a space in the Music Building,
please use the UW School of Music Reservation System.
Access EMS Here
Recital Times: Degree recitals should be scheduled in 3-hour blocks, to provide time for set-up/warm-up, for the recital itself, and for take-down/mingling.
Weekend recitals must be requested in the following timeslots:
- 9:30am-12:30pm (approx. 10:30 performance)
- 12:30pm - 3:30pm (approx. 1:30 performance)
- 3:30pm - 6:30pm (approx. 4:30 performance)
- 6:30pm - 9:30pm (approx. 7:30 performance)
Weekday recitals are only allowed in the evening, 6:30pm - 9:30pm (approx. 7:30 performance).
Requests for recitals that do not follow this schedule will not be approved.
Rehearsal Times: Rehearsals for Degree recitals are scheduled in 2-hour blocks, and are subject to auditorium availability.
For Autumn and Winter quarter recitals, students are allowed two 2-hour rehearsal blocks. For Spring quarter recitals, students are allowed only one 2-hour rehearsal. This is due to greatly increased demand during Spring quarter.
Degree Recitals: Visit the UW Music Reservation System and navigate to the "Reservations" tab drop-down menu and select "Schedule a Degree Recital". The next steps will be outlined for you.
- HINT: If you get stuck, just click on the "?" in the upper right-hand corner of each section to receive instructions on the next step.
- NOTE: DO NOT use “Request a Space” under the Reservations tab for degree recitals.
- To schedule your Recital Jury, rehearsal(s), or request use of the Fishbowl for a reception following your recital:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Under the Reservations tab, choose “View My Requests”.
Step 3: Click on the name of your recital. (This will take you to an editing page.)
Step 4: From here, choose: “Add Booking” and make sure you edit the template from "NAME, INSTRUMENT" to your name and instrument. (ie: Maya, Violin)
Percussion Students: Click here to review Percussion Recital FAQs. Please contact Chair of Percussion Studies Bonnie Whiting to schedule your degree recitals.
Questions? Click here to review Recital FAQs. If you cannot find your answers there, contact or Maya Ben-Yosef regarding degree recital questions.
Non-degree Recitals: Visit the UW Music Reservation System and navigate to the "Reservations" tab drop-down menu and select "Request a Space". Move through the steps as you would for any other space request.
- Contact the School of Music calendar administrator ( with questions regarding non-degree recitals.