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UW Perspectives: Inspired by Ives

Submitted by Humanities Web Project on April 23, 2018 - 5:00pm
  • Huck Hodge, UW Music


As a beginning clarinetist in grade school, Huck Hodge added a twist to a Bach minuet performed by the class. At the end of each musical phrase, he added his own elaboration to Bach’s composition. 

“The teacher asked why I was doing that,” recalls Hodge, associate professor in the UW School of Music. “I thought, ‘Why wouldn’t I do that?’” 

“Having a full two years dedicated to composing is exciting, but also a bit daunting,” says Huck Hodge, who must forego all salaried employment for the two years of his Charles Ives Living Award. Media credit: Corinne Thrash

Hodge continues to ask that question. Now an accomplished composer, he recently received the largest...

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