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Autumn ’20 Livestreams from UW Music

Submitted by Joanne De Pue on October 12, 2020 - 1:03pm
  • Craig Sheppard,Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir, Rachel Priday Faculty Concert
    Faculty colleagues Craig Sheppard,Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir, and Rachel Lee Priday perform Beethoven piano trios on Nov. 16.
  • Ted Poor and Cuong Vu perform
    Jazz Studies faculty colleagues Ted Poor and Cuong Vu present a duo concert on Dec. 9.
  • Timo Andres and Rachel Lee Priday.
    Guest pianist/composer Timo Andres joins faculty violinist Rachel Lee Priday in a duo performance on Nov. 9 (Photo: Courtesy Rachel Lee Priday).

The School of Music presents Autumn Quarter faculty performances live-streamed from the University of Washington’s Meany Hall. All performances are presented on the School of Music’s YouTube channel at 7:30 p.m. Access is free. Each performance is followed by a brief question-and-answer session. 

MONDAY, NOV. 9, 2020

Faculty Recital: Rachel Lee Priday with Timo Andrés

Faculty violinist Rachel Lee Priday and guest pianist Timo Andrés perform music by Ives, Wolfe, Andres, Holcomb, and Copland.

Program details and artist bios are available here. 

MONDAY, NOV. 16, 2020

Faculty Trio: Beethoven Piano Trios

Faculty members Craig Sheppard, piano; Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir, cello; and Rachel Lee Priday, violin, complete their three-concert performance of the Beethoven piano trios.

Program details and artist bios are available here.


Faculty Duo: Ted Poor and Cuong Vu

Drummer Ted Poor’s music is the focal point of this duo performance by Jazz Studies faculty colleagues
and longtime musical collaborators Ted Poor (drums) and Cuong Vu (trumpet).

Program details and artist bios are available here.
