Please print out the following forms to complete your recital request.
*Note: you must use the on-line recital request system to reserve times for your recital and rehearsals.
Recital Jury Approval Form (PDF): This form must be signed by your instructor, jury or committee and turned in to the Advising office BEFORE your recital upon completion of your jury.
Keyboard Service Request (PDF): This form must be filled out if you require a piano tuning or are using the harpsichord for your recital. Please Return to the piano technicians in Room 12A.
Guidelines for Doctoral Recordings (PDF): Technical requirements for CDs submitted to the SoM library.
Program Template (DOT): A Microsoft Word template you may use to create your program.
Recital FAQ: Have a question? Check out the Recital Frequently Asked Questions first.
Disability Request wording for advertising: "To request disability accommodations, contact the Office of the ADA Coordinator 10 days prior to this event: 543-6450 (voice), 543-6452 (tty), 685-3885 (FAX)"