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Bachelor of Music - Voice

Admission to the Bachelor of Music is intended for especially qualified students who wish to emphasize professional training in performance within a four ‐ year program. Music majors are required to earn a minimum grade of 2.0 in each music course (core and elective) that is to count toward Music degree requirements. A GPA of 2.5 in Music is required for graduation. A minimum of 180 credits is required, of which at least 60 must be taken in departments other than the School of Music.  These 60 credits may include courses required to satisfy general education requirements.  

Vocal Performance majors have a foreign language requirement.  See section below


  • Pre-Core
    • MUSIC 113: Beginning Ear Training (Autumn) (1 credit)
    • MUSIC 119: Theory (Autumn) (3 credits)
    • MUSIC 120: Survey of Music History (Aut/Win/Spr) (5 credits) or proficiency exam
  • Music Theory & History Core
    • MUSIC 201, 202: First-Year Theory I, II (Winter, Spring) (3,3) (6 credits)
    • MUSIC 204, 205: First-Year Ear Training I, II (Winter, Spring) (1,1) (2 credits)
    • MUSIC 203, 301, 302: First-Year Theory III & Second-Year Theory I, II (Aut,Win,Spr) (3,3,3) (9 credits)
    • MUSIC 206, 304, 305: First-Year Ear Training III & Second Year-Ear Training I, II (Aut,Win,Spr) (1,1,1) (3 credits)
    • MUSIC 210, 211, 212: Music History I, II, III (Aut,Win,Spr) (3,3,3) (9 credits)
    • MUSIC 303: Second-Year Theory III (Autumn) (3 credits)
    • MUSIC 306: Second-Year Ear Training III (Autumn) (1 credit)
    • At least 3 credits from among: MUSIC 250, MUSIC 251, MUSIC 252, or any 400-level Ethnomusicology course
  • Additional Music Requirements
    • Approved upper-level Music Theory or History electives (see list of course options) (12 credits)
      (MUHST 407, 413, 417, 419, MUSIC 470 are highly recommended.)
    • MUSIC 307, 308, 309: Diction for Singers (2, 2, 2) (6 credits)
    • MUSIC 326, 327, 328: Beginning Vocal Repertoire (2, 2, 2) (6 credits)
    • MUSIC 434: Pedagogy (2 credits)
    • MUSIC 460, 461, 462: Advanced Repertoire (2, 2, 2) (6 credits)
    • MUSICP 320: Private Instruction (3) (18 credits)
    • MUSICP 420: Private Instruction (3) (18 credits)
    • MUSIC 379: Junior Recital (1 credit)
    • MUSIC 479: Senior Recital (1 credit)
    • Music Electives (Piano or Conducting are highly recommended) (3 credits)
  • Ensemble Requirements
    • Participation in at least one School of Music ensemble is required during every quarter of applied music instruction, including six quarters in a large conducted choral ensemble.  (12 credits)
      Approved conducted ensembles include: MUSEN 350 (University Chorale), MUSEN 351 (Chamber Singers), or MUSEN 307 (Recital Choir). Ensembles required for graduation must include at least two quarters of MUSEN 375 (Opera Workshop).
  • Piano Proficiency
    • Students must satisfy a piano proficiency requirement equivalent to passing MUSAP 235.
  • Foreign Language Requirements
    • Voice students must complete first-year language courses (through 103) in TWO languages (French, German, and/or Italian).  These may also satisfy UW foreign language requirement and count toward A&H credits.



See the Degree Program Sheet below for a checklist of course requirements.

Bachelor of Music - Voice Degree Program Sheet (PDF)

See the Sample Course Sequence Sheet below for one possible degree course plan. 

Bachelor of Music - Voice Sample Course Sequence 
