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Choral Music Library

UW Choir Singers

Gen­eral Hold­ings

The UW Choral Library is an exten­sive col­lec­tion of nearly 1,500 indi­vid­ual pieces, major works, and pub­lished col­lec­tions. The library cat­a­log may be accessed here or by vis­it­ing the Choral Library. The cat­a­log is a work in progress.

Baltic Choral Music Col­lec­tion

The col­lec­tion of scores, man­u­scripts and texts is the first of its kind in the United States and is pro­vided in hopes of cre­at­ing greater access for Amer­i­can choral musi­cians to the wealth of these musi­cal tra­di­tions.
Browse the Baltic Choral Music Col­lec­tion here.  
More infor­ma­tion about the collection.

Hours & Loca­tion

The Choral Music Library is located in the sub-basement of the Music Build­ing and is not cur­rently acces­si­ble to those with dis­abil­i­ties. Use the south­east stair­well and pro­ceed to the very bot­tom — room 30.

Hours are posted on the door — indi­vid­ual appoint­ments may be made by con­tact­ing Dae­han Kim. You may also call 206–543-8412 and leave a mes­sage. Due to rehearsals held nearby, the door may be closed dur­ing open hours — please knock.


Only cur­rent fac­ulty and stu­dents enrolled in music courses related to choral music are eli­gi­ble to check out music from the UW Choral Library. Stu­dents may check out one copy of any musi­cal selec­tion. Check­ing out addi­tional copies requires depart­men­tal approval. If you are check­ing out music for a con­duct­ing class, you may take addi­tional copies for the class period only. The music must be returned on the same day fol­low­ing the class.

To check out music, fol­low the pro­ce­dures listed below:

  1. Fill out a Music Check-Out Form.
  2. Once you have filled out this form, you are free to check out your music.

To return music, fol­low the pro­ce­dures listed below:

  1. Fill out a Music Check-In Form.
  2. File the returned music yourself.

Music must be returned in the same con­di­tion it was in when checked out. All mark­ings must be erased. The cost of dam­aged music (beyond nor­mal wear) will be your responsibility.

Score Dona­tions

If you are inter­ested in donat­ing some­thing to the choral library, please keep the fol­low­ing in mind:

  • We do not accept titles we already own.
  • We do not accept works of spu­ri­ous or doubt­ful authen­tic­ity nor do we accept works pub­lished in a lan­guage other than the composer’s orig­i­nal lan­guage. For exam­ple, we would not accept an English-only edi­tion of Johannes Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem.
  • We do not accept pho­to­copies or fac­sim­i­les of works unless they are of man­u­scripts with accom­pa­ny­ing doc­u­men­ta­tion stat­ing that the man­u­scripts have been copied within the bounds of copy­right law.
  • We do not accept works that are in poor condition.
  • For the pur­poses of your taxes, you are respon­si­ble for keep­ing detailed records of your dona­tion to the UW Choral Library; this includes mak­ing an inven­tory of your dona­tion and esti­mat­ing its value. Your dona­tions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Direct ques­tions regard­ing dona­tions to
