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Campus Philharmonia Orchestras

  • Campus Philharmonia Orchestra
  • campusphil_w20

The Campus Philharmonia Orchestras perform one concert per quarter. They are open to non-music majors at both the undergrad and graduate levels, as well as faculty, staff and community members who play an orchestral instrument. The course is led/conducted entirely by UW conducting students, under the supervision of  Dr. David Alexander Rahbee, Director of Orchestral Activities.

The orchestra also serves as a workshop for the conducting students, under the leadership of Dr. Rahbee. Highlights include performances with choirs as well as a performance with the winner of the high school concerto competition.

At present, The Campus Philharmonia Orchestras consist of two orchestras of equal stature (MUSEN 210A and MUSEN 210B), rehearsal times are different to help accommodate students' schedules.

Rehearsals are held once per week: Tuesday evenings, from 6-8pm in Meany 268 (MUSEN 210A) and from 7-9pm in Music Building Room 35 (MUSEN 210B).

Auditions are officially held at the start of each school year, however, enrollment is ongoing throughout the year, on a space-available basis. For information about the audition process, or to find out of there is space available, please write directly to Ryan Farris,

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