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Chamber Singers

  • Geoffrey Boers conducts the UW Chamber Singers (photo: Steve Korn).
    Geoffrey Boers conducts the UW Chamber Singers (photo: Steve Korn).
  • Chamber
    Chamber Singers rehearsal, Winter 2020 (Photo: Timothy Little Tran).
  • Geoffrey Boers conducts the UW Chamber Singers (photo: Steve Korn).
    The UW Chamber Singers is a professional-level auditioned choir at the School of Music, directed by Geoffrey Boers (Photo: Steve Korn).

The Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton Cham­ber Singers is a pro­fes­sional level choir con­sist­ing of grad­u­ate and advanced under­grad­u­ate music majors, as well as advanced musi­cians of majors from across the UW com­mu­nity. Estab­lished as the Madri­gal Singers in the 1930’s under the direc­tion of com­poser Ger­ald Kech­ley, the group gained recog­ni­tion through its notable con­duc­tors Rod­ney Eichen­berger and Joan Con­lon. Acclaimed for its vocal prowess and artis­tic expres­sion, the choir focuses on per­form­ing chal­leng­ing reper­toire of all peri­ods with par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on per­form­ing art music of our time. Under the direc­tion of Geof­frey Boers, the group has gained a national and inter­na­tional rep­u­ta­tion with per­for­mances at theCana­dian National Music Fes­ti­val, the national con­ven­tions of Orff Kodaly Soci­ety, GALA, and Col­lege Music Soci­ety, regional con­ven­tions of ACDA andMENC, as well as four inter­na­tional tours to the Baltic coun­tries (2000, 2005, 2010, 2013) and to Hun­gary (2007). Most recently, the choir returned to the Baltic to par­tic­i­pate in the Lat­vian National Song Fes­ti­val dur­ing the sum­mer of 2013.


Contact Dr. Boers at for more information. 
