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Composers help shape Polish contemporary culture

Submitted by Humanities Web Project on January 1, 2010 - 12:00am
Warsaw Autumn 2009 Festival of Contemporary Music
Warsaw Autumn 2009 52nd International Festival of Contemporary Music

School of Music Composition faculty Richard Karpen (also director of the School of Music) and Juan Pampin and alumnus Josh Parmenter were featured composers this fall at the Warsaw Autumn 2009 52nd International Festival of Contemporary Music. The three composers are affiliated with the UW's Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS), prominently highlighted in a concert of works from DXARTS presented at the Extra-High Voltage Hall, Institute of Power Engineering, on September 19. The program, which included DXARTS composer Ewa Trbacz's "Errai" as well as Karpen's "Strand Lines," Parmenter's "risonanza," and Pampin's "On Space," employed electronic media, ambisonic sound projection, and visual spaces, along with live performance from the Percussion Group of the Academy of Music in Krakow and numerous other musicians, including School of Music alumnus Josiah Boothby. The Warsaw Autumn, organized by the Polish Composers' Union and operating continuously since its 1956 inception, plays an essential role in shaping contemporary culture in Poland.

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