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UW, Smithsonian collaboration continues with summer workshop

Submitted by Humanities Web Project on May 27, 2011 - 12:00am

The University of Washington and the Smithsonian Institute continue a cultural and educational partnership this summer with the third annual Workshop in World Music Pedagogy, running June 27 through July 1 at the School of Music.

Participants in the intensive course will investigate ways to teach students at a variety of levels--including children, youth, and adults--about the music of the world's cultures. Workshop participants will explore teaching tools and techniques such as the use of songs, stories, movement and dance, and instrumental music on classroom instruments. Students successfully completing the course will receive certification from the Smithsonian Institute documenting specialized study in world music pedagogy.

Workshop faculty include artist-musicians, culture experts and experienced teachers from a variety of traditions and cultures. The faculty roster includes Marisol Berrios-Miranda (Puerto Rico), Shannon Dudley (Trinidad/Caribbean), Kedmon Mapana (Wagogo/East Africa), Peter Park (Korean percussion), Christopher Roberts (Turkey, Uganda, "children's music"), Leon Garcia (Smithsonian Institution's Folkways Recordings), Amanda Soto (Conjunto, Son Jarocho), and Patricia Shehan Campbell (North India, Bulgaria).

The deadline to register for the course is June 15. For more information, or to enroll, contact Michiko Sakai at
