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Amanda G. Huntleigh


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DMA, Choral Conducting, University of Washington, 2017
M.M., Conducting, George Mason University
B.M., Music Education, Wartburg College

Amanda G. Huntleigh is com­plet­ing her doc­tor­ate in choral con­duct­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton. Cur­rently she con­ducts the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton Women’s Choir, serves the School of Music as a teach­ing and research assis­tant, and main­tains a pri­vate voice stu­dio in her home. In 2012, Amanda founded The Gilded Quire, a women’s cham­ber ensem­ble spe­cial­iz­ing in Victorian-era Amer­i­can choral music. Before mov­ing to Seat­tle, she taught choral and gen­eral music in Illi­nois, Vir­ginia, and Delaware. Amanda holds a Mas­ter of Music degree in con­duct­ing from George Mason Uni­ver­sity and a Bach­e­lor of Music Edu­ca­tion degree from Wart­burg College.
