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Jacob Finkle


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M.M., Choral Conducting and Music Education, University of Washington, 2015
B.A., Music, Vassar College

Jacob Fin­kle is in the sec­ond year of his MM in choral con­duct­ing and the first year of a music edu­ca­tion teach­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion at UW. In Seat­tle, he serves as the assis­tant con­duc­tor for the Tem­ple Beth Am choir and as the bass sec­tion leader for the Seat­tle Jew­ish Chorale. Dur­ing the High Hol­i­days, he also serves as the con­duc­tor for the Herzl Ner Tamid Choir. Before mov­ing to the West Coast, Jacob con­ducted the choir at First Lutheran Church in Pough­keep­sie, NY. Jacob holds a BA in Music from Vas­sar Col­lege where he also com­pleted a cor­re­late sequence in Early British Literature.
