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Daniels' Orchestral Music Online (co-editor)

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Daniels' Orchestral Music Online is a unique orchestral music finder tool and an invaluable resource for orchestral librarians, libraries, planners, musicologists, conductors, and artistic directors.

You can browse the classical repertoire from Karl Friedrich Abel to Ellen Taffee Zwilich and find basic information on composers and instrumentation plus inspiration for advanced programming. You can also search opera arias, duets choruses, and more using the opera excerpts finder.

Orchestral Music Online provides:

  • Access to information on more than 12,500 works by more than 1,900 composers
  • Quick search by composer, title, or keyword
  • Advanced search by duration, instrumentation, chorus type, and soloists
  • Ability to cut and paste data into rehearsal schedules and other documents to save time and to eliminate transcription errors.
  • Links from individual works to music publishers and other sources
  • Links to online perusals scores, program notes, recordings etc.

Orchestral Music Online is based on David Daniels’ reference work Orchestral Music: A handbook, published by Rowman & Littlefield. Purchase your very own copy of Orchestral Music and other great musical finders here.

Orchestral Music Online is used by more than 300 music libraries, orchestras, students and conductors in America, Europe and Asia and is a great addition to both ASIMUT and OPAS software.

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