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Voice Program

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  • Student performs at the Voice Division recital (photo: Steve Korn)
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The Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton School of Music offers four diplo­mas in applied voice train­ing includ­ing the Bach­e­lor of Arts in Music, the Bach­e­lor of Music in Voice, the Mas­ter of Music in Voice and the Doc­tor of Musi­cal Arts in Voice.

Degree Programs

The Bach­e­lor of Arts degree is intended for stu­dents whose pri­mary desire is for a well-rounded lib­eral arts edu­ca­tion in music. The Bach­e­lor of Music degree in Voice is a com­pre­hen­sive per­for­mance ori­ented degree pro­gram, which includes course require­ments in vocal ped­a­gogy, for­eign lan­guage dic­tion, art song reper­toire, and hands-on indi­vid­ual vocal coach­ing. Both degrees require ensem­ble and per­for­mance participation.

The Mas­ter of Music in Voice is a two-year degree pro­gram strong in both per­for­mance and aca­d­e­mics, requir­ing two recitals, observed prac­tice teach­ing in a ped­a­gog­i­cal set­ting and a final research project. The Doc­tor of Musi­cal Arts in Voice is a cul­mi­nat­ing degree con­cen­trated in per­for­mance and research. The degree requires three recitals as well as a three-tiered writ­ten and oral gen­eral exam­i­na­tion lead­ing to the dis­ser­ta­tion. Per­for­mance and ensem­ble par­tic­i­pa­tion are required for both grad­u­ate degrees.

Performance Opportunities

In addition to degree pathways in vocal performance, the School of Music supports a range of auditioned and non-auditioned choirs—seven in all—open to majors and non-majors from throughout the university. Learn more about choral activities.

Voice students also gain valuable stage experience by participating in opera theater presentations of scenes from the opera repertoire and mas­ter­classes with vis­it­ing artists. Quarterly studio recitals and vocal theater workshops provide additional public performance outlet for vocal students. 

Non-Major Voice Lessons

Students who are not majoring in music but who are interested in taking private voice lessons with faculty or with a TA are welcome to audition! Yearly auditions occur in September each year for admission into a voice studio beginning Fall term. More audition information can be found on the Audition Dates page. To inquire about auditioning for non-major lessons mid-year, please contact Savannah Rutherford at or Zachary Fitzgerald at

Lessons are offered on a space-available basis in faculty and TA studios and occur weekly over the course of the academic year.  If admitted to voice lessons, students will be given a faculty code to register for MUSICP 300. In addition to tuition, non-major lessons require a $550 course lesson fee. 

Student Support

The Vocal Performance Pro­gram of the School of Music offers schol­ar­ship funds by audi­tion (see cal­en­dar for audi­tion dates) to grad­u­ates and under­grad­u­ates each year, includ­ing Teach­ing Assist­ant­ships for grad­u­ate students.


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