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Modern Music Ensemble 2016-17 Auditions

Saturday, February 6, 2016 - 12:00am
Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 12:00am
  • Modern Music Ensemble (Inverted Space)
    Modern Music Ensemble

The School of Music anticipates offering four graduate students special consideration for tuition funding and teaching assistantships for the 2016-17 academic year to serve as leaders of the Modern Music Ensemble. The School of Music will audition students for this opportunity in the areas of keyboard, strings (except double bass), winds, and percussion (one position per area). 

About the Modern Music Ensemble

Performing repertoire from the early to mid-20th century and beyond, the University of Washington Modern Music Ensemble focuses on small ensemble and chamber orchestra works, performed by both undergraduate and graduate students. 
(Learn More)

Application Deadline for Fall 2016 School of Music Graduate Study Admission: December 15, 2015 
(Learn More)

Modern Music Ensemble Audition Dates

February 6 & February 20, 2016 - Recorded auditions will be considered by special request.

Sign-Up Procedures

Please contact David Rahbee or Cristina Valdés via email to request pdf copies of required audition excerpts (see below) and to request an audition time. 

Audition Excerpts

Please prepare the following excerpts for your instrument in preparation for the audition (see below). Copies of these excerpts can be requested via email by contacting David Rahbee or Cristina Valdés.

Flute (Including piccolo):    

  • SchoenbergPierrot Lunaire, no. 7: Der Kranke Mond (entire movement)
  • Messiaen: from Oiseaux exotiques: rehearsal 4 to 5, and rehearsal 6 to 7 
  • 20th/21st century solo of your choice. (Impressionist composers excluded)


  • Varèse:­­­ Hyperprism:  from rehearsal 9 to 10

Clarinet (Including bass clarinet & E-flat clarinet):

  • SchoenbergPierrot Lunaire, no. 3: Der Dandy (entire movement)
  • Messiaen: from Quatuor pour la fin du temps, mvt. 6: Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes, from A to G
  • 20th/21st century solo of your choice  (Impressionist composers excluded)

Bass Clarinet: 

  • Schoenberg: Pierrot Lunaire, no. 8: Nacht (entire movement)

E-flat Clarinet: 

  • Varese:­­­ from Hyperprism: rehearsal 9 to 10


  • VarèseOctandre: first movement (entire movement)
  • BirtwistleTragoedia: Strophe II: from 27 to 29, and 33 to 34
  • 20th/21st century solo of your choice (Impressionist composers excluded)


  • VarèseOctandre: third movement: beginning to rehearsal 3, and from rehearsal 4 to 5
  • BirtwistleTragoedia: Strophe II: from 30 through 34
  • 20th/21st century solo of your choice (Impressionist composers excluded)


  • SchoenbergPierrot Lunaire, no. 2: Colombine (entire movement)
  • Messiaen: from Quatuor pour la fin du temps, mvt. 6: Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes, from A to G
  • Stravinsky: from Histoire du SoldatTango (entire movement)
  • 20th/21st century solo of your choice  (Impressionist composers excluded)


  • SchoenbergPierrot Lunaire, no. 11: Rote Messe  and no. 17: Parodie
  • GinasteraVariaciones Concertantes: from rehearsal 29 to four after 38.
  • 20th/21st century solo of your choice  (Impressionist composers excluded)


  • Hindemith: Kammermusik no. 3, op. 36, no. 2: first movement (entire movement)
  • SchoenbergPierrot Lunaire: no. 19: Serenade
  • Messiaen: from Quatuor pour la fin du temps, mvt. 6: Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes, from A to G
  • 20th/21st century solo of your choice (Impressionist composers excluded)


  • Schoenberg: from Pierrot Lunaire, no. 14: Die Kreuze (entire movement)
  • Messiaen: from Quatuor pour la fin du temps, mvt. 6: Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes, from A to G
  • Boulez: from Dérive I: mm. 27 through 38
  • 20th/21st century solo of your choice (Impressionist composers excluded)


  • StravinskyHistoire du Soldat: Tango
  • BoulezDerives 1, mm. 1 through 26, and mm. 40-54
  • 20th/21st century solo of your choice for multiple percussion.