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Simon Hill is a conductor and an enlivener of congregational song. Simon is the Director of Music at Bear Creek United Methodist and also leads the
choir at Congregation Kol Ami. Prior to beginning his doctoral studies at the University of
Washington, Simon was the Interim Director of the Seminary Singers of Perkins School of
Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. During this time Simon also
taught introduction to conducting and led the music practicum in introductory worship
courses. While a student at SMU, Simon studied choral conducting with Dr. Pamela Elrod
Huffman and voice with Clifton Forbis. As part of his sacred music studies with Dr. C.
Michael Hawn, Simon completed an internship at Highland Park United Methodist Church
under the direction of Dr. Alan Raines. Simon has worked with an array of denominations
and faith traditions in a variety of roles including director, cantor, and occasionally,
preacher. His research interests include the intersection of music and theology, music
within the homeless community, and critical theory in higher music education. Simon holds
an MM in Choral Conducting as well as an MSM in Choral Conducting from Southern
Methodist University and a BA in music from Friends University.