Winds, Brass & Percussion auditions for the following ensembles: Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, UW Symphony Orchestra & Campus Philharmonia Orchestra
Symphony Orchestra (MUSEN 300/500) is the top orchestral ensemble on campus, performing major symphonic literature. This orchestra is made up of music majors and non-music majors alike. Auditions are held at the start of each academic year; seating rotates throughout the year. University of Washington Campus Philharmonia Orchestras (MUSEN 210) perform one concert per quarter and are open to non-music majors. The course is led/conducted entirely by graduate students of the orchestral conducting program.
Membership in all groups is open to undergraduate and graduate students from all schools and departments of the UW—over half of the musicians in these ensembles are from majors other than music! And remember, performance in a UW ensemble counts toward VLPA credit requirements.
Brass, woodwind and percussion auditions for Fall 2024 will be held on:
10:30-11:10 BASSOON
11:20-12:45 TRUMPET
2:40-3:15 OBOE
3:20-4:45 CLARINET
11:40-2:00 FLUTE
2:00-3:00 SAXOPHONE
Sign up for an audition HERE
- Be sure to be available during the entire listed date and time for your instrument. You will be assigned a specific audition slot within the time range for your instrument. This info will be sent to the email address you list on the form one week before the audition date. If you have a time conflict, please contact UW Bands TA David Stewart at ASAP to work out a solution.
- Check in with the audition coordinator outside of the audition room.
- When it is your time, the audition coordinator will guide you to enter the room.
- The audition is anonymous (behind a screen) so please do not speak during the audition. Listen carefully to the instructions given by the adjudicators. Music will be provided but you may bring your own in as well. The audition will last 5-10 minutes.
- After the audition, please take any music you brought in with you, but leave any music that was already on the stand.
- You will be sent audition results by email shortly after the audition day.
- Note: As of now, there are no warm-up rooms or areas in the building. However, you are welcome to warmup outside or in the parking garage. We encourage everyone to warm up prior to arriving on campus if at all possible.