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  • "Say a Song" album cover
  • Campbell, P.S. and C. Scott-Kassner, 2013.  Music in Childhood, 4th edition.  Boston MA: Cengage Press.
  • Gershwin, by Larry Starr
  • Performance, Popular Culture, and Piety in Muslim Southeast Asia
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Cassio Igari, K. & Staire, J. (2021). Beyond the music: Collaboration toward anti-racist elementary music education. The Orff Echo, (Winter Issue), 14-19. Publications Music
Wade, Bonnie C. and Patricia Shehan Campbell, 2021. Global Music Cultures.  New York: Oxford University Press. Publications, Books Music
Coppola, William J., David G. Hebert, and Patricia Shehan Campbell, 2021. World Music Pedagogy: Teaching World Music in Higher Education.  New York: Routledge. Publications, Books Music
Cantarelli Vita, J. (in press). Maracatu de Baque Virado: Children’s communities of music practice. In G. Welsh, & M. Barrett (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Music Learning and Development. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Publications Music
Rumph, Stephen. The Fauré Song Cycles: Poetry and Music, 1861-1921. Oakland: University of California Press, 2020. Publications, Books Music
Anne Searcy. Ballet in the Cold War: A Soviet-American Exchange. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Publications, Books 20th Century, Dance, Music, Music History
Roberts, J.C. (2020).  Field recordings of children singing: An examination of Internet-based resources.  In H.R. Gudmundsottir, C. Beynon, K.M. Ludke, & A.J. Cohen (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Vol. II: Education (Ch. 8). Publications, Books Music
Boers, Geoffrey. “Teachers." CLaS Choral Literacies and Skills. Geoffrey Boers, 2020.  Publications Music
Campbell, Patricia Shehan.  At the nexus of ethnomusicology and music education: Pathways to diversity, equity, and inclusion, 2020. In Arts Education Policy Review, Spring. Publications Music
Rediscovering ​El Bukieto de Romansas​: A century of Sephardic folk song transmissionArtist: Hazzan Isaac Azose; Editor/translator: Ke Guo; Consultants: Paco Diez, Isaac Azose, David Bunis, Anthony Geist Publications, Film/Video, Essays, Projects, Recordings, Student Work, Graduate Ethnomusicology, Jewish Studies, Music Education
Igari, K. C., Cantarelli Vita, J., Flesher, J., Armstrong, C., Gestsson, S., & Campbell, P. S. (2020). Let’s stand together, rep my tribe forever: Teaching toward equity through collective songwriting at the Yakama Nation Tribal School. Journal of Folklore and Education, 7, 65-78. Retrieved from Publications Music
Cantarelli Vita, J. (2020). Songs to Lift Us Up: Artistic Citizenship through a Multicultural Playformance. The Orff Echo, (Fall Issue). Publications Music
Anthology, An Antidote against Melancholy (1661), directed by JoAnn Taricani; Centaur Records, available in 2020 as CD or in iTunes.  Publications, Editions Music
Gage, N., Low, B., & Reyes, F. L. (2019). Listen to the tastemakers: Building an urban arts high school music curriculum. Research Studies in Music Education, 42(1), 19-36. Publications Music
Perea, John-Carlos, and Jacob E. Perea. 2019. “‘What the Music Could Be’: Revisiting the Unexpectedness of Jim Pepper.” Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies 6 (1): 88–106. Publications, Essays Music
Beisel Hollenbach, Katie. "Teenage Agency and Popular Music Reception in World War II-Era Frank Sinatra Fan Clubs." Journal of Popular Music Studies, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Winter 2019), 142-160. Publications, Essays Music
Roberts, J.C. (2019). World music pedagogy in early schooling: Issues of implementation. In S. Young and B. Ilari (Eds.), Music in early childhood: Multi-disciplinary perspectives and interdisciplinary exchanges (pp. 187-199). Springer.  Publications, Books Music
Roberts, J.C. (2019). World music pedagogy in early schooling: Issues of implementation. In S. Young and B. Ilari (Eds.), Music in early childhood: Multi-disciplinary perspectives and interdisciplinary exchanges (pp. 187-199). Springer.  Publications, Books Music
Campbell, Patricia Shehan, Mena, Chris, Skuli Gestsson, and William J. Coppola. “Atawit Nawa Wakishwit”: Collective songwriting with Native American youth.  Journal of Popular Music Education 5: 2.  Publications Music
Coppola, Will, J. Mike Kohfeld, Chris Mena, Solmaz Shakerifard, and Patricia Shehan Campbell, 2019. Culture-Specific cases of a cross-cultural musical act. In Improvisation in Music Education. New York: Routledge. Publications Music
Campbell, Patricia Shehan, and Chee-Hoo Lum 2019. World Music Pedagogy: School-Community Intersections.  New York: Routledge. Publications, Books Music
Carraher, Ryan W. "...empty spun-sugar shibboleth... : Performative Impossibility as a Compositional Device." Masters Thesis, Tufts University, 2019. Publications, Essays, Student Work, Graduate Music
Tropes de : Bussy, for large orchestra (commission from Ludovic Morlot and the Seattle Symphony Orchestra) - 2018-19 Publications, Books Music
Berry, Michael. "Nielson Remixed: The 'Trumpification' of Hip Hop." Journal of Popular Music Studies 31/2 (June 2019): 51-62. Publications, Essays Music
Burns, Dylan, Becky Thoms, Alex Sundt, and Darcy Pumphrey. "What we talk about when we talk about Digital Libraries." WEAVE: a Journal of Library UX. Vol. 2, No. 1 (2019). Publications, Essays Music

