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  • Conductor
  • Larry Starr and Christopher Waterman: American Popular Music: The Rock Years
  • Recordando a Venezuela album cover
  • Beyond Borders: Welt-Musik-Padagogik
  • "Say a Song" album cover
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Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Apophenia — performed by Ensemble Dal Niente on Second Inversion  Publications, Film/Video, Recordings Music
Perea, John-Carlos. 2014. Intertribal Native American Music in the United States: Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture. Global Music Series. New York: Oxford University Press. Publications, Books Music
Frederick Reece, “Hugo Wolf’s Harmony as Weitzmannian Critique: The Augmented Triad and its Hexatonic Shadows,” Mosaic: Journal of Music Research 3 (2014). Publications, Essays Music
"The Sixth: Mahler's Manfred Symphony?" International Mahler Society, Vienna, printed by Universal Edition (2014) Vol. 68, pp. 29-43 Publications, Essays Music
Lorah, J. A., Sanders, E. A., & Morrison, S. J. (2014). The relationship between English Language Learner status and music ensemble participation. Journal of Research in Music Education 62, 234-244. doi: 10.1177/0022429414542301 Publications Education, International Studies, Music, Music Education, Race and Ethnicity, Sociology
Morrison SJ, Price HE, Smedley EM and Meals CD (2014). Conductor gestures influence evaluations of ensemble performance. Frontiers in Psychology 5:806. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00806 Publications, Student Work, Graduate Education, Instrumental Conducting, Music, Music Education, Psychology, Public Scholarship, Sound
University of Washington Chorale, Refuge.  Giselle Wyers, director; CD,  2014 Publications, Recordings Music
Sunardi, Christina, 2014.  Stunning Males and Powerful Females: Gender and Tradition in East Javanese Dance.  University of Illinois Press. Publications, Books Music
Morrison, S. J., Demorest, S. M., Campbell, P. S, Bartolome, S. J., & Roberts, J. C. (2012). Effect of intensive instruction on elementary students’ memory for culturally unfamiliar music. Journal of Research in Music Education 60, 363-374. doi:10.1177/0022429412462581 Publications Children's Music, Education, Music, Music Education, Psychology, Turkish, World Music
Lorah, J.A., Sanders, E.A., & Morrison, S. J. (2014). The relationship between English Language Learner status and music ensemble participation. Journal of Research in Music Education 62, 234-244. doi: 10.1177/0022429414542301 Publications Music
Morrison, S. J., & Selvey, J. D. (2014). The relationship of conductor expressivity and choral ensemble performance. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 199, 7-18. doi: 10.5406/bulcouresmusedu.199.0007. Publications Music
Marc Seales: American Songs, Volume 2: Blues...and Jazz; Origin; 2014 Publications, Recordings 20th Century, 21st Century, American, Jazz, Music
Direct Musical Influences from Charpentier’s Louise on Mahler’s Sixth and Ninth Symphonies. International Mahler Society, Vienna (2013) Vol. 66, pp. 1-22 Publications, Essays Music
Henry Fielding, Plays, Volume III, 1734-37 (Oxford:  Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press, 2013), Thomas Lockwood, editor, JoAnn Taricani, musical editor.  Publications, Books Music
Gustave Charpentier's Louise and Mahler's 6th Symphony: Sonus (2013) Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 31-43 Publications, Essays Music
Roberts, C. (2013).  Choosing world music repertoire.  Southwestern Musician, 84(7), 45-49. Publications Music
Morrison, S. J., Demorest, S. M., Campbell, P. S., Bartolome, S. J., & Roberts, J. C. (2013).  Effect of intensive instruction on elementary students’ memory for culturally unfamiliar music.  Journal of Research in Music Education, 60, 363-374.  doi: 10.1177/0022429412462581 Publications Music
Roberts, J. C.  (2013).  A historical look at three recordings of children’s musicking in New York City.   In Wiggins, T., & Campbell, P. S. (Eds.), Oxford handbook of children’s musical cultures (pp. 575-589)London: Oxford University Press.  Publications Music
Henry Fielding:  Plays, 1730-37, edited by Thomas Lockwood; music edited by JoAnn Taricani (three volumes; Oxford University Press: Clarendon Press, 2004-2013) Publications, Books Music
Morrison, S. J. (2013). Exegetical Commentary and Dialogue on “Contextualizing Band Directing in A Singapore Primary School: Questioning Function and Significance,” by C. H. Lum & T. Rahman. In C. H. Lum (Ed.), Contextualized practices in arts education: An international dialogue on Singapore (159-164). Singapore: Springer. Publications, Essays Music
(2013) Campbell, Patricia Shehan. Children, teachers, and ethnomusicologists: Traditions and transformation of music in school.  In Barbara Alge, editor, Beyond Borders: Welt-Musik-Padagogik. Rostock, FDR. Publications, Books Children's Music, Ethnomusicology, Music, Music Education
(2013) Schippers, Huib and Patricia Shehan Campbell.  Cultural diversity: Beyond ‘Songs from every land’.  Invited chapter for Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Gary McPherson and Graham Welch, editors. Publications, Books Music, Music Education
2013. “Complicating Senses of Masculinity, Femininity, and Islam Through The Performing Arts in Malang, East Java.”  In Performance, Popular Culture, and Piety in Muslim Southeast Asia. Edited by Timothy P. Daniels, 135-160. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Publications, Books Music
Michael Partington: Music of Bryan Johanson, 24 Preludes (world premiere recording), Rosewood Recordings 2012 Publications, Recordings Guitar, Music
Mt Varnum: Wounded Caroline, Ted Poor and Greg McMurray, 2013 Publications, Recordings 21st Century, American, Drums, Improvisation, Jazz, Modernism, Music, Popular Music

