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  • Marc Seales: American Songs Vol. 2
  • Franz Liszt album
  • IJME_cover
  • Campbell, P.S., 2008.  Music and Teacher: Orientation to Music Education.  New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Recordando a Venezuela album cover
  • Ballet in Cold War cover
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Recordando a Venezuela: Rafael Angel Aparicio y los Hermanos Aparicios. Northwest Folklife Recordings NWARCD 102, 1997. Publications, Recordings Instrumental Performance, Latin American, Music
“Say a Song”: Joe Heaney in the Pacific Northwest. Northwest Archives Recordings NWARCD 001, 1996. Publications, Recordings Ethnomusicology, Music
Robin McCabe Plays Liszt, Robin McCabe, BIS, 1994 Publications, Recordings Music
Nusrat! Live at Meany. Arab Film Distrubition. VHS videocasette, 1993. Publications, Film/Video, Recordings Arabic, Music, Near Eastern Studies, Voice
Frederick Reece, Forgery in Musical Composition: Aesthetics, History, and the Canon (in press, OUP). Publications, Books Music
Beisel Hollenbach, Katie. The Business of Bobbysoxers: Cultural Production in 1940s Frank Sinatra Fandom. New York: Oxford University Press (forthcoming). Publications, Books Music
"Community Collaboration in Ethnomusicology Archives: Ethical Considerations for Collections Management." ARSC Journal. Association for Recorded Sound Collections. Vol. 52:1 (Spring 2021).  Publications Music
Campbell, P. S. & Dahm, C. (Forthcoming). Music in Schools: Principles, Practices, and Promises. Music Research Annual. Publications Music
Campbell, Patricia Shehan, and Chee Hoo Lum, 2019.  World Music Pedagogy: School-Community Intersections.  New York: Routledge. Publications, Books Music
Campbell, Patricia Shehan, and Chee Hoo Lum, 2019.  World Music Pedagogy: School-Community Intersections.  New York: Routledge. Publications, Books Music
website: Publications Music
Various arrangements for brass, published by Warwick Music, Coventry, England Publications Music
Co-editor, Daniels' Orchestral Music, 6th edition (slated for release in 2022). Rowman & Littlefield publishers. Publications, Books Music
Lorah, J. A., Morrison, S. J., & Sanders, E. A. (in press). Music achievement of English Language Learner 8th grade students. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education. Publications Education, Music, Music Education
Huck Hodge: Alêtheia performed by l'Ensemble Aleph (Paris) | Insomnio Ensemble (Amsterdam) Publications, Film/Video, Recordings Music
Huck Hodge: Parallaxes performed by the ASKO | Schönberg Ensemble (Amsterdam), Bas Wiegers, conductor Publications, Film/Video, Recordings Music

